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Tag: Time Travel

Time Traveler Who Visited 8973 Passes Lie Detector Test

We recently conducted a lie detector test on a man named William Taylor, who claims to have been to the year 8973 and back...

Time Traveler Who Claims To Have Seen Dinosaurs in The Past

We at ApexTV recently met up with a man claiming to be a time traveler from the year 2082. He claimed he came back...

Time Traveler Reveals Video of Las Vegas in 2120

We first met a man named Noah who claims to be a time traveler late in 2017 when he sent us a video of...

Interview With a Time Traveler From 2030

Today on the ApexTV Discord, we were able to have a private interview with Noah the time traveler from 2030. He claims that he...

Time Traveler From 2030 Passes Lie Detector Test

In this video, we did the highly anticipated lie detector test with Noah, who claims to be a time traveler from the year 2030....

Time Traveler From 6491 Claims To Be From Another Galaxy

We recently interviewed a man named James Oliver who claims to be a time tarveler from the year 6491. He says he is stuck...

Time Traveler Claims To Have a Picture From 5000

We recently interviewed a man named Edward, who claims to be a time traveler who has been to the year 5000.He states that in...

Time Traveler From 6000 Reveals Picture From The Future

A supposed time traveler from 6000 says he brought back an actual photo from the future. He has claimed that the ability to time...

Time Traveler From 2900 Claims There Will Be a Robot Island

Imagine a island filled with robots and self learning machines with no humans in sight, this is what a Time Traveler from the year...

This Man Says He is a Time Traveler From 3300

The man in this video, which was recently featured on the YouTube channel Paranormal Elite claims to be a time traveler who came back...